PHOTO Poster Prints

Photo poster prints are a great way to save a cherished memory or to brighten up a living space. Take your favourite photo memories and transform any room in an affordable and stylish way. We offer a wide range of sizes, from 10×8″, right up to 66×44″. Our posters are printed on high-quality photo lustre paper from 90gsm to 270gsm. This ensures a professional photo finish. 

Bring Your Memories to Life With Photo Poster Prints

To ensure the best quality, we always insist on using high-resolution images. This prevents pixelation or blurring. When taking photos on your camera or smartphone, be sure to select the high-resolution option to ensure optimal results from your photo poster printing service. Choose from landscape, panoramic or portrait. 

Photo Prints for Business

At Wessex Photo, we also provide photo prints for businesses. We can promote your brand, or simply make your work environment a better, and more unique, inspirational space in which to work. Additionally, we can provide your business with artwork that supports and promotes your brand and identity. In terms of business services, Wessex Photo also provides film processing (from a multitude of formats), video to DVD transfer, and projector and player hire.  

Browse our full range of services, and for all the information you need on photo printing, keep on scrolling! You are in safe hands with Wessex Photo.

 For poster prints larger than 36×24″ please contact your nearest store for more information. 

Photo Poster Prints
Photo Poster Prints
Dorset & Weymouth Film Processing Services